ResaleAI - Degraded performance
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Third party integrations
We have identified and resolved the issue that caused Day Close Emails to not send. Emails from yesterday have begun sending. Emails from today may be a little delayed, but will be received tonight.
This issue has been resolved. Please close and re-open the ResaleAI app to refresh, and it should be working normally now. Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for the disruption. If you have any further issues, please send our team a live chat and we can assist.
There is an issue logging in to ResaleAI both at a POS computer and on mobile/desktop. Our team has identified the root cause of the issue and is actively working to restore service. Thank you for your patience as we work to fix it. We will post here as soon as there are updates.
No notices reported this month
We have resolved all issues with the When I Work integration. We have also sent an email to all affected stores with employee time punches for the last week. If any time punches did not go through automatically, you can reference the email to adjust as needed within When I Work. We apologize for the inconvenience, and please let us know if you have any further issues.
We have heard reports of disruptions from some users, and are seeing elevated error rates that may cause slower performance. Our team is actively investigating now, and will update once we know more.
Jan 2024 to Mar 2024