ResaleAI - Operational
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No notices reported this month
Several stores reported issues logging in to ResaleAI POS this morning. The issue has been resolved. If you are still experiencing this issue, close and reopen ResaleAI POS and you will be able to log in.
This issue has been resolved.
We have identified the issue and have updated our systems to respond to Sprint's erroneous spam blocking. We are monitoring the situation.
This problem is limited to customer mobile phones using Sprint Spectrum networks. We are working on a solution. Customers may not know what network they are using even if they know what carrier they are paying, so asking customers about their carrier may only cause confusion.
We are investigating a report that Sign To Sell text messages are being blocked.
This incident has been resolved.
Service has been restored and we are monitoring systems.
We are investigating an apparent service interruption
Jul 2020 to Sep 2020